Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Aurora Dreams

Since the end of 2001, I have had 5 Aurora dreams. God is showing me some amazing things through them. I wake up with such an awe of God, consumed with His Presence. Last night was the first time that some one I knew was with me. I believe that God is letting me see His Glory upon them, His desire to reveal His Heart to them.

I have been having long conversations with my uncle Randy and his daughter Amber about God. Both are Christians and have a desire to serve God. They have been asking my a lot about discernment and prophecy. We have been talking about spiritual principles. My uncle calls me when he has questions concerning the Word of God or anything someone has spoken over him.


Nov 8, 2001

I had a dream Sunday night; I was standing on a hill with several other people and was looking up into a cloud. Out of this cloud came the Aurora Borealis. I saw pinks, blues, lavenders, and green. It seemed to dance (emanate) outward from the cloud. I cry when I think about this dream. I went to church Sunday morning so aware of the glory of God. While I was standing there, I was overcome with the presence of God. I woke up with the most reverent, awestruck sense of the power of God.

On Dec 19, I had this dream -

I remember being in Australia with a team on ministers. We had been there for a week or so ministering. It was our last day there. I had been praying all week that we would see the Aurora (southern lights). The last day was cloudy, even raining some. I remember that we did not have hotel rooms; we slept in tents on the beach or near a huge lake.

I was in my tent praying that afternoon, it was late and our ministry time was finished. This was our last night in Australia. The people on the team knew my desire to see the Aurora. They all doubted, some even making fun of my faith. I remember being in the tent around 10pm praying and typing in my computer (had a laptop with me for the journey.) I heard one of the guys hollering for me to come outside. We all left our tents and ran out onto the beach area. We looked up and saw the Aurora. It was different than I have ever seen pictures (I have never seen the Aurora in the natural, though this is my 2nd dream.) It seemed as if it were fireworks that turned into the auroral curtains. We could see the Aurora even though it was still cloudy.
Interpretation - First, we were ministering. This is the church about the Father's business. It was our last day on the mission’s trip. We are the last days church. This is the last of the last days. The team lived in tents. This speaks of the earth not being our home, but Heaven.

I was praying to see the Aurora, which God spoke to me (for me) that this represents His Glory. I was crying out for the Glory of God. Not just me, but this represented the true God chasers. Even among the believers, the ministers, there was doubt that the Glory of God would appear because of the darkness of the world. Is 60 say "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."

As we continue to seek the Face of God, He will pour out His Glory upon us, even in the darkest night. Do not grow weary in seeking God. His will shall be done in the earth!

No Date – sometime in March 02 is all I remember -This was the dream.

My parents were having an argument. My dad had found my diary (he actually did that week). He said that there were things in there that could destroy him, so he kicked me out of the house later that night after my mom left for work. I got some of my things together and started to leave. I went back inside and got my Bible. I then got in the car and started driving down the road (HW19). Just when I passed this church - The Light House - the aurora began. It stayed almost directly over this church. I pulled over and began to cry. end of dream.

April 17, 2002

I was driving down Highway 19 going home when all of the sudden came a coronal aurora. I began to praise God, for I knew that He was visiting my city. The colors were so vivid and bright. It was colors that I have never seen before. The aurora began as a circle in the sky, and then turned into the regular curtain aurora.

I tried to call home to tell my family, no one would answer. I kept trying. When I got home, there were many people at my house. Most I did not know. We all sat in amazement at the aurora. One girl, I seemed to know her in the dream, got there just as it ended. She saw the last wave of the auroral curtain. She began to cry because she had missed it. I told her that she has not. I pointed to the sky and showed her that one curtain, ever so faint, lingered in the air. It seemed to hover over us, as a fine light trail.

I then remember going into my kitchen, I could still see out the window. Instead of being my kitchen, it was a hospital room or a nursing home room. There was this elderly lady and her son. I remember my dad and mom being there also. I knew the mother and son, yet they did not look like the people that I really know. In the dream, the man's mother is alive, (in real life she has been dead for over 30 yrs and the man is elderly and has great-grandchildren. My parents knew his mother and his siblings.) We talked about old times, the church that they used to go to. Just caught up on many things. Throughout the conversation, I remember keeping my eyes on the window, looking for the aurora to begin again. I told the man and woman, all about the aurora, what I believed God was doing my city.

I remember her sitting at the table crying about something. I laid my hands upon her and began to pray for her. My mom was sitting opposite her and was looking at me strange. When I was through ministering to her I gave her my phone number and left.

Feb 25, 2003

I was standing at the kitchen window looking out at the sky south of my house. It was late evening (just about 15 min before dark) when something caught my eye on the SE corner of the sky. I don’t remember what it was at this time, but as I looked intently in that direction, I began to see an aurora. It was partly cloudy that day, yet the aurora shown through the clouds with no problem, actually seemed to come out of the cloud. I remember the colors were of the light spectrum (like a rainbow – pale in color, yet vibrant.) It just seemed to dance in the sky, the event lasted about 10 minutes. I went outside to catch a better view. I remember standing outside crying while I was looking up. I picked up my cell phone and called my cousin. She and her father were driving south on 19 towards my house. They were amazed at the view. Amber was crying as she was watching. Randy was just in shock. After it was over, I went back into the house and opened by Bible and fell on the floor before the Lord.


I would appreciate prayer on this, as I do believe the Lord is speaking some specific things concerning my family through this. If the Father reveals anything to you, please share.
I just realized this - HW19 is also called Liberty Expressway

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