Quotes on Prayer and Revival I
"The prayer of the feeblest saint who lives in the Spirit and keeps right with God is a terror to Satan. The very powers of darkness are paralyzed by prayer; no spiritualistic seance can succeed in the presence of a humble praying saint. No wonder Satan tries to keep our minds fussy in active work till we cannot think in prayer."- Oswald Chambers
"Our true character comes out in the way we pray." - Oswald Chambers
"Prayer imparts the power to walk and not faint." - Oswald Chambers "Prayer is not getting things from God, that is the most initial stage; prayer is getting into perfect communion with God" - Oswald Chambers
"I saw something today which affected me more than anything I ever saw or read on religion. While the battle was raging and the bullets were flying, Jackson rode by, calm as if he were at home, but his head was raised toward heaven, and his lips were moving evidently in prayer." -William J. Federer on Stonewall Jackson.
"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks." - Phillips Brooks
"Prevailing prayer is prayer that pushes right through all difficulties and obstacles, drives back all the opposing forces of Satan, and secures the will of God. Its purpose is to accomplish God's will on earth. Prevailing prayer is prayer that not only takes the initiative but continues on the offensive for God until spiritual victory is won."- Wesley L. Duewel
"Many Christians are so spiritually frail, sickly, and lacking in spiritual vitality that they cannot stick to prayer for more than a few minutes at a time." - Wesley L. Duewel
"The devil is not terribly frightened of our human efforts and credentials. But he knows his kingdom will be damaged when we begin to lift up our hearts to God." - Jim Cymbala.
"...I learned as never before that persistent calling upon the Lord breaks through every stronghold of the devil, for nothing is impossible with God. For Christians in these troubled times, there is simply no other way." - Jim Cymbala.
"Every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God's work and is powerless to project God's cause in this world." - E. M. Bounds
"When the devil sees a man or woman who really believes in prayer, who knows how to pray, and who really does pray, and, above all, when he sees a whole church on its face before God in prayer, "he trembles" as much as he ever did, for he knows that his day in that church or community is at an end." - R.A. Torrey
"The ministry of prayer, if it be anything worthy of the name, is a ministry of ardor, a ministry of unwearied and intense longing after God and after his holiness." - E.M. Bounds
"Prayer must be aflame. Its ardor must consume. Prayer without fervor is as a sun without light or heat, or as a flower without beauty or fragrance. A soul devoted to God is a fervent soul, and prayer is the creature of that flame. He only can truly pray who is all aglow for holiness, for God, and for heaven." - E. M. Bounds
"No man can do a great and enduring work for God who is not a man of prayer, and no man can be a man of prayer who does not give much time to praying." - E. M. Bounds, 'Power through Prayer - 8 Examples of Praying Men'.
"Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth. God does nothing but in answer to prayer." - John Wesley
"O believing brethren! what an instrument is this which God hath put into your hands! Prayer moves Him that moves the universe."- Robert Murray McCheyne.
"No man - I don't care how colossal his intellect - No man is greater than his prayer life." - Leonard Ravenhill
"To stand before men on behalf of God is one thing. To stand before God on behalf of men is something entirely different." - Leonard Ravenhill
"The greatest answer to prayer is that I am brought into a perfectunderstanding with God, and that alters my view of actual things." - O. Chambers
"The prayer that sparks revival begins long before the countryside seems to awaken from its slumber in sin. It starts when men fall on their knees and cry out to God. That's where true intimacy with God takes place and we begin the journey of being transformed into the image of Christ. And as men are transformed, the course of a nation can be changed." - Wellington Boone
"The true spirit of prayer is no other than God's own Spirit dwelling in the hearts of the saints. And as this spirit comes from God, so doth it naturally tend to God in holy breathings and pantings." - Jonathan Edwards
"When we become too glib in prayer we are most surely talking to ourselves." - A.W. Tozer
"Prayer will promote our personal holiness as nothing else, except the study of the Word of God." - R.A Torrey
"He who is too busy to pray will be too busy to live a holy life. Satan had rather we let the grass grow on the path to our prayer chamber than anything else." - E.M.Bounds
"Prevailing prayer requires a tender, compassionate heart, a deep solicitude for the glory of God and the good of His people. Nehemiah wept and mourned." - Arthur Wallis
"I am perfectly confident that the man who does not spend hours alone with God will never know the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The world must be left outside until God alone fills the vision...God has promised to answer prayer. It is not that He is unwilling, for the fact is, He is more willing to give than we are to receive. But the trouble is, we are not ready..." - Oswald J. Smith,
"Any church may have a mighty man of God for its pastor, if it is willing to the price and that price is not a big salary but great praying." R.A. Torrey, 'The Power of Prayer'
"You may as soon find a living man that does not breathe, as a living Christian that does not pray. For this shall every one that is godly pray. If prayerless, then graceless." - Matthew Henry, commenting on Matthew 6:5.
"True revival lives in prayer. Prayer draws power from revival. We need only to follow the way-marks of their remarkable history to be satisfied of their inseparable unity." - Johnston, J. B, 'THE PRAYER-MEETING, and ITS HISTORY'
"At the heart of every revival is the spirit of prayer." - Arthur Wallis.
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