It starts nearly 7 years ago..
Jan 17, 2002 dream
I was in the back yard in my dad's truck with my mother. All the sudden we see a car come through our yard at great speed. He comes through the back yard where we are and crashes the car in the utility room. My mom and I just wonder what happened. We got out of the truck and went inside. My mother is taking a shower and I am pacing the floor in my room praying. I walk into the bathroom and ask mom if she thinks that we should call the police. She said "No." I go back to my room and continue praying. I walk back into the bathroom and say that I just had a bad thought. I felt that my dog, Lady, was killed. As soon as I leave the bathroom, my dad is standing in the living room. He is crying saying that Lady had been killed when the car went through the utility room. I start crying and screaming. I slide down the wall in the hall. My dad walks away and then comes back with something in his hand. I thought that he was bringing Lady to me so that I could say goodbye. Instead, he brings me a newborn baby. He said that he found him in Lady's bed. The police must have missed him when they did their search.
I take the baby boy and show my mom. She is afraid to keep the baby for fear that he might have AIDS or something. I convince her to let me keep him through the night so that we could take him to the doctor tomorrow. She says Okay. The baby had no clothes; he might have been one day old. My dad had one of his uniform shirts wrapped around the baby to keep him warm. I take the baby into my room and start to pray for him, asking God for the means to take care of him. I had no clothes for a newborn, no crib, no diapers, or anything.
A friend calls me on the phone and I start telling her all that has happened. She could not believe any of it. She said that she would have to see it to believe it. I remember setting facing the window while talking with her. When I hang up the phone, I have a stack of newborn boy's clothes, several packs of diapers, formula, bottles, and a crib right beside my bed. I start to cry. I get up, wash the baby - I seemed to know that his name was Stephen Elliot - never called him that though. I put clothes on him, fit him just perfectly, fed him, and put him in the crib.
The next morning, we started to take him to the doctor. I get him ready and all, we leave. Don't remember the doctor appointment, but we stop back by McDonald's on the way home. I no longer have a baby; I have a 7 YEAR OLD! I remember that his real mother was there at McDonald's. She was saying that she couldn't believe that this was her child, it was not possible, she had been pregnant with the man's baby, but she didn't remember giving birth.
When we get back home, I still have Elliot with me. I open the door to the house and there is a full-blooded Black Lab waiting for us. Elliot bends down and begins to play with her and asks me if he can keep her. I say yes and ask what he is going to call her. He says, "Can we call her Lady?" End of dream.
Okay - Stephen means "Crown" and Elliot comes from Elias, which is Elijah! His 3rd name is Joash - which was a king in Israel (the crown part). Oh, and Joash was 7 years old when he began to reign. Also Joash has 2 meanings - first, Jehovah has given and 2nd - fire of Yahweh. Put his full name together - Elijah Daniel Joash - Elijah - My God is Jehovah, Daniel - My God is Judge and Joash - Jehovah has given the Fire of Yahweh. Think on Elijah and calling down fire from Heaven to consume the offering. WOW!
Also, from the date of this dream till the finalization was nearly 7 years (lacked 1 month). Look at all those 7's! Completion!!!
Now, as I stated, this is only the beginning!! LOL
Okay, back to June 2 (mom's b-day). Around 7pm (yes, another 7) - mom's client went to a restaurant and ran into the birth grandfather. He told her that his daughter was pregnant again and that she was going to give this child up, but unlike the others, they hadn't found an adoptive family. The client (Mrs Nancy) told him that she knew someone - the daughter of her insurance agent. So, Tuesday morning June 3 - before we could even get in the office, Mrs Nancy had called for mom. Around 11 mom called her and talked for over an hour. Mom came got me afterwards and told me. I said yes! There was no question in my mind. Mom kept questioning even up to a couple days before Elijah was born. I told mom to call the grandfather and talk for a while. She did and they talked for a couple hours. During this time, I called my attorney and got things started.
Around 7pm (another 7) I called the grandfather and talked to him myself. He had a lot of questions for me concerning me being single and all that, but he was settled and understood everything and actually congratulated me on being responsible with my life. He asked me if I wanted this child and I told him yes, with everything that was in me. He said "then, he's yours."
A lot of fast working on the house, getting legalities done, etc came of the next 3 and a half weeks, but that seemed like the longest 3 weeks of my life.
Then June 29th came - my birthday. Birth mom went into labor. The hospital sent her home and she waited out another day. Then at midnight on July 1 she went back in and in less than 2 hours she delivered Elijah. I got the call 20 min after she went in and I started to get everything in the car. At 3:30 I got the call that he was born and had a healthy set of lungs. I was still 3 hours away from the town.
Finally I got there but couldn't see him till the lawyer got there. Finally at 9:30 I was able to see my son. At 11 I got to hold him and give him his first bottle. That was the most amazing feeling ever.
On July 2 at 3:30 Elijah was walked out of the hospital and handed to me by the lawyer. The nurse that delivered him walked out with me too - she was crying. Even the lawyer was about to cry as I told them this story. As you know, I was adopted too. Well, my parents brought me home on July 2, 1978. I brought my son home 30 years to the day.
Well, this is not the end of the story either. Just a few weeks later, only July 31, the judge in the county Elijah was born in denied the surrender of Elijah. On Wed, Aug 6 I got the call about this. But it was an accidental call. The attorney in North Ga meant to call my South Ga attorney, but called mom's cell instead. The numbers are very similar. I listened to the message. It basically said that we had 30 days to file a bunch of paper work or CPS could come and take Elijah from me and place him in foster care till everything was completed.
Honestly, I got scared for a few minutes. Satan tried to rob my peace, he tried to take my son. I sat down and prayed for a min. I just brought food for all of us to eat. I was about to fast, but I asked Father. His answer was that I knew His will on this already. So I ate. Then I went outside and called Trish and her father (my spiritual dad) then I called my current pastor. I needed warriors to stand with me at that moment - not someone who would speak doubt or fear.
Over the next few hours it was back and forth between the lawyers and the grandfather. He said that if CPS did come, he had it written that Elijah would come back to him. He said that if that did happen, I and my parents could come up there and stay with him till things were settled so I wouldn't miss any time with Elijah. He called Mrs Nancy and she said that she would lodge us and everything.
As I started to church that night, I heard in my spirit "Athaliah is at the gates". I knew a bit about Athaliah, but not that much. She was the mother or grandmother of Joash and that she killed all her children so that she could end her husband's linage on the throne. But her sister (if I remember right) rescued Joash and kept him in hiding. When he was 7, the priest killed Athaliah outside the temple and placed Joash on the throne.
What I didn't know was that Athaliah was the daughter of Jezebel and Ahab - which had a hatred for Elijah. And I am sure Athaliah had no great love for him at all either.
What the Lord was showing me was that this was a spiritual battle over my son. What is the gates of the city? Back then it was the place decisions were made. Pretty much the judging of cases took place at the gates. Athaliah at the gates - this spiritual stronghold/principality was trying to destroy the promise at the courts.
Well, again as I was driving, the Lord took me into a vision. I saw myself holding Elijah and standing before a bench. I realized that I was in a court room. But it was no earthly court. I had been taken to the Court of Heaven. So, I began to state my case - I reminded the Lord of everything He had spoken to me concerning Elijah (there is one more thing I will share at the end here). I said "Lord Jehovah, You are the righteous Judge." I began to declare that My God, the Righteous Judge, had decreed that Elijah was my son to be raised before Him all the days of his life. And that as it had been decreed in Heaven, so be it on Earth.
The next day - which was Aug 7, 08, I got a call from my attorney. He said that the judge of Cobb Co had reconsidered and would approve the surrender pending a background check and a letter of character reference from my pastor, and then pending the homestudy, I already have the criminal background check from Oct/Nov from my job. I was told Friday that I could not see it though. I asked if it could be sent to my lawyer and she said she would have to check. The lady put me on hold and I spoke out loud "Lord, You decreed favor". She came back on the phone and said, "this is weird, but the contract does say that you can have a copy of the background check. I have been here 4 years and never saw that. Must be part of the new contract which you were hired under." I just know that God sent an angel down to edit that contract.
I went that next Monday to the home office to pick that up and delivered it to my attorney - who happens to be a Spirit-Baptized believer.
No earthly judge overturns his decision unless a Higher Court rules it to be so. Wednesday Aug 6th, a Higher Court did Rule. The High King of Heaven ruled in my favor and the lower court must follow suit in Jesus' name!
Well, here are the final 2 stories...
I am sure you have seen this blog from last year, but I didn't even notice till mid June how that tied into Elijah
Hey all, remember that message - My Declaration of War?? It was written on Oct 10 2007. that seems like an eternity ago now. But I just realized something. That was the date Elijah would have been conceived. His due date is July 2nd. If you count 2 weeks from start of last period till due date that would be right - so she would have conceived around the 14th day which would have been Oct 10.
Today is Tuesday June 17th 2008.
You conceived on Wednesday October 10th 2007
and your due date is Wednesday July 2nd 2008.
251 days have passed since the conception,
and you are 15 days before your due date.
You are 37 weeks into your pregnancy,
and you have 3 weeks to go.
The morning I wrote that - satan was trying to tell me that he could give me all the children I desired, all the money I needed, a house, everything - even health. But I told him to shut up and back off for I would never serve him. Then I wrote that message.
Oct 10th, 2007
Hi again, this last blog I posted, "Desert Testing" was one of the hardest things I have written in a very long time.
As I was writing each word, God was engraving them into my heart.
As I stated there, I have been through hell spiritually these past few weeks. It seems on the outside that all is going well. I am healthy, pretty much out of pain, and smiling each day, but I can hear the whispers of satan in my ear.
He is speaking that I will be sick again, that this crohn's is going to come back, ect. But he is also telling me that if I would follow him, I would never have to worry about that again.
You see, I have family who have been in witchcraft and voodoo. I have never walked that path nor have I ever desired to even peer into that. I have ministered to many young people who have been in that "religion". I have seen the hold that satan has had on them. I have committed my life to preaching the Word of God and complete and total deliverance through the Blood of Jesus.
Now all of the sudden, after the message "The Authority of Sons", satan hit me with this. I know his lies, but the battle has none the less been there in my mind.
He was twisting the words of God to me - saying that humans have this authority anyway through words. The New Age camp and those in all forms of the occult believe this.
All I had to do was speak these things and I would have them. But isn't that close to what Scripture says?? It is close, but not quite. The Word of God is clear that we do say unto the mountain, be thou removed and it shall be.
But also, we have to speak according to the Word of God and the Will of God. James also says that we have not because we ask not. Then he goes on to say that we have not because we ask wrongly, that we might have these things for our own selfish desires (James 4:2-3).
I have told satan I would not follow him no matter what the offer was. My God Jehovah, will supply all my needs and whatsoever He desires to give me will be sufficient. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness through Christ Jesus.
I will not back down. I have been dedicated to the Lord God Jehovah from birth, I was called from the womb to be His servant. And I declare this day to all who will listen that satan has no part in me. I am wholly sold out to Jesus. I have been bought with His Blood and am filled with the Holy Spirit.
My ears hear only One Voice, my eyes see only Jesus, my heart loves only One Master. JESUS CHRIST, The Son of the Living God, Savior of all. He is my Lord and Savior, my Master, my Beloved, my King.
This is my declaration! It is sealed! I am but a servant, I carry the seal of the Kingdom of God upon me, and I will speak only what He speaks.
I am a warrior for the Kingdom, an ambassador, an emissary of the Most High God. I will declare war on all the He declares war upon. I will not hold back. He has set a trumpet to my lips and will sound the cry of battle through me.
God has indeed given me Elijah Daniel Joash. He shall be a servant of God all the days of his life. Isn't it interesting that this was the very day Elijah was conceived.
Lastly - this one sounds a bit strange, but... Have you ever heard of Mike Murdock?? Never really paid attention to him - too much focus on money and giving to get, name it and claim it type. They just rub me the wrong way - and yet I am in a Word of Faith church, but we are more balanced than that. We talk about faith, but it is not all about money. This is our basis - Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please God... He teaches strongly that without the other fruit of the Spirit, faith is kind of useless. We may have faith, but without love we are nothing.
Well, Mike was talking about the $58 seed and Isaiah 58. Mom felt lead to give this. She wrote the check on May 5 and put on the memo "Baby for Angela Joy Odom" From the date she wrote the check till I brought Elijah home was exactly 58 days.
For me, that is just too many confirmations from God. How can anyone say that this was not God's hand? You came too late to tell me any different!
Update: Elijah was declared mine by a Dougherty Co Court Judge on Dec 18, 2008. We have yet to clear the Cobb Co Court, but that is just a formality now.

Jan 17, 2002 dream
I was in the back yard in my dad's truck with my mother. All the sudden we see a car come through our yard at great speed. He comes through the back yard where we are and crashes the car in the utility room. My mom and I just wonder what happened. We got out of the truck and went inside. My mother is taking a shower and I am pacing the floor in my room praying. I walk into the bathroom and ask mom if she thinks that we should call the police. She said "No." I go back to my room and continue praying. I walk back into the bathroom and say that I just had a bad thought. I felt that my dog, Lady, was killed. As soon as I leave the bathroom, my dad is standing in the living room. He is crying saying that Lady had been killed when the car went through the utility room. I start crying and screaming. I slide down the wall in the hall. My dad walks away and then comes back with something in his hand. I thought that he was bringing Lady to me so that I could say goodbye. Instead, he brings me a newborn baby. He said that he found him in Lady's bed. The police must have missed him when they did their search.
I take the baby boy and show my mom. She is afraid to keep the baby for fear that he might have AIDS or something. I convince her to let me keep him through the night so that we could take him to the doctor tomorrow. She says Okay. The baby had no clothes; he might have been one day old. My dad had one of his uniform shirts wrapped around the baby to keep him warm. I take the baby into my room and start to pray for him, asking God for the means to take care of him. I had no clothes for a newborn, no crib, no diapers, or anything.
A friend calls me on the phone and I start telling her all that has happened. She could not believe any of it. She said that she would have to see it to believe it. I remember setting facing the window while talking with her. When I hang up the phone, I have a stack of newborn boy's clothes, several packs of diapers, formula, bottles, and a crib right beside my bed. I start to cry. I get up, wash the baby - I seemed to know that his name was Stephen Elliot - never called him that though. I put clothes on him, fit him just perfectly, fed him, and put him in the crib.
The next morning, we started to take him to the doctor. I get him ready and all, we leave. Don't remember the doctor appointment, but we stop back by McDonald's on the way home. I no longer have a baby; I have a 7 YEAR OLD! I remember that his real mother was there at McDonald's. She was saying that she couldn't believe that this was her child, it was not possible, she had been pregnant with the man's baby, but she didn't remember giving birth.

When we get back home, I still have Elliot with me. I open the door to the house and there is a full-blooded Black Lab waiting for us. Elliot bends down and begins to play with her and asks me if he can keep her. I say yes and ask what he is going to call her. He says, "Can we call her Lady?" End of dream.
Lady died on Dec 8, 2006 at 4:51 pm of accute kidney failure. She also had developed pnuemonia.
Okay - Stephen means "Crown" and Elliot comes from Elias, which is Elijah! His 3rd name is Joash - which was a king in Israel (the crown part). Oh, and Joash was 7 years old when he began to reign. Also Joash has 2 meanings - first, Jehovah has given and 2nd - fire of Yahweh. Put his full name together - Elijah Daniel Joash - Elijah - My God is Jehovah, Daniel - My God is Judge and Joash - Jehovah has given the Fire of Yahweh. Think on Elijah and calling down fire from Heaven to consume the offering. WOW!
Also, from the date of this dream till the finalization was nearly 7 years (lacked 1 month). Look at all those 7's! Completion!!!
Now, as I stated, this is only the beginning!! LOL
Okay, back to June 2 (mom's b-day). Around 7pm (yes, another 7) - mom's client went to a restaurant and ran into the birth grandfather. He told her that his daughter was pregnant again and that she was going to give this child up, but unlike the others, they hadn't found an adoptive family. The client (Mrs Nancy) told him that she knew someone - the daughter of her insurance agent. So, Tuesday morning June 3 - before we could even get in the office, Mrs Nancy had called for mom. Around 11 mom called her and talked for over an hour. Mom came got me afterwards and told me. I said yes! There was no question in my mind. Mom kept questioning even up to a couple days before Elijah was born. I told mom to call the grandfather and talk for a while. She did and they talked for a couple hours. During this time, I called my attorney and got things started.
Around 7pm (another 7) I called the grandfather and talked to him myself. He had a lot of questions for me concerning me being single and all that, but he was settled and understood everything and actually congratulated me on being responsible with my life. He asked me if I wanted this child and I told him yes, with everything that was in me. He said "then, he's yours."
A lot of fast working on the house, getting legalities done, etc came of the next 3 and a half weeks, but that seemed like the longest 3 weeks of my life.
Then June 29th came - my birthday. Birth mom went into labor. The hospital sent her home and she waited out another day. Then at midnight on July 1 she went back in and in less than 2 hours she delivered Elijah. I got the call 20 min after she went in and I started to get everything in the car. At 3:30 I got the call that he was born and had a healthy set of lungs. I was still 3 hours away from the town.
Finally I got there but couldn't see him till the lawyer got there. Finally at 9:30 I was able to see my son. At 11 I got to hold him and give him his first bottle. That was the most amazing feeling ever.
On July 2 at 3:30 Elijah was walked out of the hospital and handed to me by the lawyer. The nurse that delivered him walked out with me too - she was crying. Even the lawyer was about to cry as I told them this story. As you know, I was adopted too. Well, my parents brought me home on July 2, 1978. I brought my son home 30 years to the day.
Well, this is not the end of the story either. Just a few weeks later, only July 31, the judge in the county Elijah was born in denied the surrender of Elijah. On Wed, Aug 6 I got the call about this. But it was an accidental call. The attorney in North Ga meant to call my South Ga attorney, but called mom's cell instead. The numbers are very similar. I listened to the message. It basically said that we had 30 days to file a bunch of paper work or CPS could come and take Elijah from me and place him in foster care till everything was completed.
Honestly, I got scared for a few minutes. Satan tried to rob my peace, he tried to take my son. I sat down and prayed for a min. I just brought food for all of us to eat. I was about to fast, but I asked Father. His answer was that I knew His will on this already. So I ate. Then I went outside and called Trish and her father (my spiritual dad) then I called my current pastor. I needed warriors to stand with me at that moment - not someone who would speak doubt or fear.
Over the next few hours it was back and forth between the lawyers and the grandfather. He said that if CPS did come, he had it written that Elijah would come back to him. He said that if that did happen, I and my parents could come up there and stay with him till things were settled so I wouldn't miss any time with Elijah. He called Mrs Nancy and she said that she would lodge us and everything.
As I started to church that night, I heard in my spirit "Athaliah is at the gates". I knew a bit about Athaliah, but not that much. She was the mother or grandmother of Joash and that she killed all her children so that she could end her husband's linage on the throne. But her sister (if I remember right) rescued Joash and kept him in hiding. When he was 7, the priest killed Athaliah outside the temple and placed Joash on the throne.
What I didn't know was that Athaliah was the daughter of Jezebel and Ahab - which had a hatred for Elijah. And I am sure Athaliah had no great love for him at all either.
What the Lord was showing me was that this was a spiritual battle over my son. What is the gates of the city? Back then it was the place decisions were made. Pretty much the judging of cases took place at the gates. Athaliah at the gates - this spiritual stronghold/principality was trying to destroy the promise at the courts.
Well, again as I was driving, the Lord took me into a vision. I saw myself holding Elijah and standing before a bench. I realized that I was in a court room. But it was no earthly court. I had been taken to the Court of Heaven. So, I began to state my case - I reminded the Lord of everything He had spoken to me concerning Elijah (there is one more thing I will share at the end here). I said "Lord Jehovah, You are the righteous Judge." I began to declare that My God, the Righteous Judge, had decreed that Elijah was my son to be raised before Him all the days of his life. And that as it had been decreed in Heaven, so be it on Earth.
The next day - which was Aug 7, 08, I got a call from my attorney. He said that the judge of Cobb Co had reconsidered and would approve the surrender pending a background check and a letter of character reference from my pastor, and then pending the homestudy, I already have the criminal background check from Oct/Nov from my job. I was told Friday that I could not see it though. I asked if it could be sent to my lawyer and she said she would have to check. The lady put me on hold and I spoke out loud "Lord, You decreed favor". She came back on the phone and said, "this is weird, but the contract does say that you can have a copy of the background check. I have been here 4 years and never saw that. Must be part of the new contract which you were hired under." I just know that God sent an angel down to edit that contract.
I went that next Monday to the home office to pick that up and delivered it to my attorney - who happens to be a Spirit-Baptized believer.
No earthly judge overturns his decision unless a Higher Court rules it to be so. Wednesday Aug 6th, a Higher Court did Rule. The High King of Heaven ruled in my favor and the lower court must follow suit in Jesus' name!
Well, here are the final 2 stories...
I am sure you have seen this blog from last year, but I didn't even notice till mid June how that tied into Elijah
Hey all, remember that message - My Declaration of War?? It was written on Oct 10 2007. that seems like an eternity ago now. But I just realized something. That was the date Elijah would have been conceived. His due date is July 2nd. If you count 2 weeks from start of last period till due date that would be right - so she would have conceived around the 14th day which would have been Oct 10.
Today is Tuesday June 17th 2008.
You conceived on Wednesday October 10th 2007
and your due date is Wednesday July 2nd 2008.
251 days have passed since the conception,
and you are 15 days before your due date.
You are 37 weeks into your pregnancy,
and you have 3 weeks to go.
The morning I wrote that - satan was trying to tell me that he could give me all the children I desired, all the money I needed, a house, everything - even health. But I told him to shut up and back off for I would never serve him. Then I wrote that message.
Oct 10th, 2007
Hi again, this last blog I posted, "Desert Testing" was one of the hardest things I have written in a very long time.
As I was writing each word, God was engraving them into my heart.
As I stated there, I have been through hell spiritually these past few weeks. It seems on the outside that all is going well. I am healthy, pretty much out of pain, and smiling each day, but I can hear the whispers of satan in my ear.
He is speaking that I will be sick again, that this crohn's is going to come back, ect. But he is also telling me that if I would follow him, I would never have to worry about that again.
You see, I have family who have been in witchcraft and voodoo. I have never walked that path nor have I ever desired to even peer into that. I have ministered to many young people who have been in that "religion". I have seen the hold that satan has had on them. I have committed my life to preaching the Word of God and complete and total deliverance through the Blood of Jesus.
Now all of the sudden, after the message "The Authority of Sons", satan hit me with this. I know his lies, but the battle has none the less been there in my mind.
He was twisting the words of God to me - saying that humans have this authority anyway through words. The New Age camp and those in all forms of the occult believe this.
All I had to do was speak these things and I would have them. But isn't that close to what Scripture says?? It is close, but not quite. The Word of God is clear that we do say unto the mountain, be thou removed and it shall be.
But also, we have to speak according to the Word of God and the Will of God. James also says that we have not because we ask not. Then he goes on to say that we have not because we ask wrongly, that we might have these things for our own selfish desires (James 4:2-3).
I have told satan I would not follow him no matter what the offer was. My God Jehovah, will supply all my needs and whatsoever He desires to give me will be sufficient. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness through Christ Jesus.
I will not back down. I have been dedicated to the Lord God Jehovah from birth, I was called from the womb to be His servant. And I declare this day to all who will listen that satan has no part in me. I am wholly sold out to Jesus. I have been bought with His Blood and am filled with the Holy Spirit.
My ears hear only One Voice, my eyes see only Jesus, my heart loves only One Master. JESUS CHRIST, The Son of the Living God, Savior of all. He is my Lord and Savior, my Master, my Beloved, my King.
This is my declaration! It is sealed! I am but a servant, I carry the seal of the Kingdom of God upon me, and I will speak only what He speaks.
I am a warrior for the Kingdom, an ambassador, an emissary of the Most High God. I will declare war on all the He declares war upon. I will not hold back. He has set a trumpet to my lips and will sound the cry of battle through me.
God has indeed given me Elijah Daniel Joash. He shall be a servant of God all the days of his life. Isn't it interesting that this was the very day Elijah was conceived.
Lastly - this one sounds a bit strange, but... Have you ever heard of Mike Murdock?? Never really paid attention to him - too much focus on money and giving to get, name it and claim it type. They just rub me the wrong way - and yet I am in a Word of Faith church, but we are more balanced than that. We talk about faith, but it is not all about money. This is our basis - Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please God... He teaches strongly that without the other fruit of the Spirit, faith is kind of useless. We may have faith, but without love we are nothing.
Well, Mike was talking about the $58 seed and Isaiah 58. Mom felt lead to give this. She wrote the check on May 5 and put on the memo "Baby for Angela Joy Odom" From the date she wrote the check till I brought Elijah home was exactly 58 days.
For me, that is just too many confirmations from God. How can anyone say that this was not God's hand? You came too late to tell me any different!
Update: Elijah was declared mine by a Dougherty Co Court Judge on Dec 18, 2008. We have yet to clear the Cobb Co Court, but that is just a formality now.
Isn't he as cute as a button??
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