This vision lasted about an hour.
I saw Jesus on the cross, His blood streaming down. I was at the base of the cross, crying. Then I saw Jesus standing in front of me, arms outstretched. Now I was walking. There was an Angel walking with me. We had a long conversation. I asked him many questions. I did ask him his name, he would not tell me. He said that it would take my focus off what I was supposed to receive. He told me about how he was sent to protect me, that he was the one that walked by my side through the years. He said that he never understood God's love to the human race, yet it never ceased to amaze him.
By this time, we were walking up a mountain trail. It was very rocky and dry. From here I could see a beautiful valley. Here the angel begins to tell me that God had chosen me to preach His Word. He told me not to be afraid.
The angel began to tell me how satan had fought me, even tried to kill me, and I didn't even know it. He told me to picture satan in my mind - I did. Then he said that this is not how satan really looked. Then I saw satan as he was in heaven. I then saw him fall to the earth, stripped of his beauty. Even in this state, there was something attractive, yet ugly about him. He was not at all how I expected him. This verse came to my remembrance - "Is this the one who caused the nations to tremble?"
The angel and I continued to walk up the mountain again, this time in silence. He pointed to the East. From there, I could see a small cloud coming towards the mountain. As it grew closer, it got bigger and brighter. As I am lying in the bed, my body is trembling. As the cloud approaches me in the vision I'm trembling in fear, but my body (in bed) is now jerking and I'm crying softly. Finally, the cloud came too close for me. My body jerks forward and I turn over and cover my eyes. I knew that God's glory had just passed over me and it literally scared me! I was trembling in fear. That was the closest encounter that I've had with the Glory of God.
As I saw the Glory of God pass over me, I finally turned back over. Then as I did, I started walking in the vision - following the cloud. The angel was still walking with me. I reached a walled place with a gate. We entered the gate and I realized that I as at the temple. I saw the Glory of God come over the temple and come to rest over the Holy of Holies. I was still standing at the gate's entrance. The angel began walking again. I followed. He walked up to the altar of sacrifice.
I stood there in silence. He pointed to a set of stairs. I stood there shaking my head "no". As I was lying in bed, tears were streaming down my face. My spirit was saying "yes, Lord, I submit." But I guess in the vision, "I" represented the flesh.
I looked at the angel and said "If I can turn to see the Glory of God, I will." He just shook his head "yes". He took my hand and walked me up to the stairs, but didn't go with me. In fact, when I lay down on the altar, he disappeared. I lay there on the altar trembling. In bed, I was crying and trembling.

I lay there, seeing myself bleed. Then the angel came back. He took me by the hand and lifted me off the altar. When he did, I stopped bleeding, but was still open. I was still trembling and crying.
I began to walk around the area and saw the different items of the temple. I saw the Bronze Laver. Then the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. At that time, I didn't enter any of them. End of Dream.
At a later date I had another experience with this vision at the Golden Laver. I will type this soon.
Bronze Laver vision – this took place a couple of weeks later. I was laying in bed that afternoon – just a few days after getting out of the hospital.
The vision began where the other one left off. I was open and wounded. The Angel lifts me off the altar and carries me like a dead man over to the Laver. It is full of water. He lays me in this laver and as the water touched the open wound, it began to close. This is where life returned to me. He lifted me back out and I saw that the open wound was healed but I had a long scar across my chest. I was clothed in new clothing, as the other had been torn by the sword.

God then spoke to me that the next phase of my life was service. That same year, I received my ordination. He spoke that I would enter into the the Holy of Holies before His Presence soon, but I had to wait for a season.
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