I am putting a PS at the front of this. I only intended to write the first part, but the Lord had other plans. I am keeping in the prayer. I heart just began to spill out as I wrote. This seems to happen in the middle of the night . I only meant to tell ya about the wreck and how God is going to turn everything into victory for His sake --- but…. LOL
I was in a slight wreck tonight - dad drove us into a deep ditch. I was in the middle, so I got elbows jabbed all in me. We were able to get out without any help, but dad checked his truck when we got home - he bent the frame under the truck! He thought he could turn around at the library, but there was a deep ditch. One side of the truck went in.
Now I am having shoulder pains - my collar bone is snapping when I move it.
Okay - doesn't satan get it?? I am healed! He is not going to attack my body again and cause me to re-injure this shoulder! I have been a year without pain and it is not coming back.
Father spoke healing again this morning over me and I receive His Word.
Tomorrow, in spite of the pain, in spite of the cold, I am going to be out there again with the flag, worshipping in my private time before the Lord. Worshipping in the beauty of holiness and praising Him for He is victorious over all His enemies!
This was a dream I had Sunday morning.
Dream – Dec 2, 2007
I don’t remember all the details of the first part, but something about being on a ship and it was flooding, and we couldn’t get by the bridge – the water was too high for us to go under.
Then the next thing, I am in my yard. Leaves are everywhere – all red leaves. There is a tree in South Ga that has the most gorgeous red leaves in the fall (I think it is the Japanese red leafed Maple). http://www.pbase.com/hjsteed/image/59447713 We don’t have any of these trees near my property though.
I was outside dancing and this red velvet cape/mantle was dropped over me. I took the red velvet mantle and held each end of it and began dancing with it through the yard. I used the mantle/cape like a banner. Then finally, I was laying down in a bed of these leaves with the mantle completely covering me.
Then my friend from Croatia wrote me this morning, “This how it seems to me: you are to much in water/spirit, you can't make any compromise, and this red velvet...... oh,my......this is awesome!
Last days I talk with my friend/sister in Christ how much Lord my Banner is meaning to me as the name of the Lord. And Holy Spirit showed us picture of old bed with baldachin (I'm not sure that I spell word right, but you know what I mean - like royal bed). And, when we are in Spirit, and living in a Spirit, we are on this bed of rest, and Lord, Father is like a baldachin covering us. Your red velvet mantle is His healing mantle, healing that coming from His blood from His wounds. get ready to be healed and to be mum and everything He want's you to be!”
She posted that this morning right around 6am EST time. I was having another dream at the same time…
I was watching tv and this minister was on - in the dream, the tv turned itself on and to that channel. The man said "there is a young lady watching, your name is Joy, and you have crohn's. God is healing you now."
I remember crying and the Presence of God so sweet and strong over me.
I am up today with just a twinge of pain in my side, but that has to go in Jesus' name!!
I have fought crohn’s since I was a child – around 10 years old. So 19, almost 20 years now. The Lord Jehovah spoke to me on Dec 14, 06 that He was healing me and that this would be my year of deliverance. Everything in my life has come to light this year, even the fact that I was adopted. Every area of strongholds in my life have been revealed and the chains have been broken. It has been spoken over me many times that the Lord would impart a healing anointing upon my life because this is the area that satan has tried to take. God is going to redeem everything the enemy has stolen and He will cause hurt to the enemy’s kingdom through those things. He has tried to take my health, my life, my purity and innocence. These are the areas that the Lord has given me to preach.
My heart is crying for purity in the church – so many want the power of God but they don’t want to pay the price – walking a life of purity and holiness before the Lord. We want to see miracles, signs, and wonders, but for what reason – so many want it so they can have a name, number’s in their pews each week. But that is not the reason. I do believe that signs and miracles are available to the church, but there is a cost – purity, holiness, and righteousness. We can’t be seeking our glory. These miracles are to draw all men to our Savior and Lord, Jesus the Messiah! It is for His Glory that we should cry out for purity. It is for His Glory that we should cry out for miracles.
I think the heart of the issue is holiness. As the church begins to walk in true holiness before the Lord (not legalism), we will begin to see healings, deliverances take place. Jesus said that if He be lifted up, all men will be drawn to Him.
Yes, I do believe that we are in the last days and a great falling away is taking place, but I believe that our Lord is issuing a clarion call to the church to go forth and make disciples. We have just a short window of time to go about this ministry. It may be 20 years or it may be 50, or it maybe 1 month. Only the Father knows. But we have been given our calling and must walk in it.
Cry aloud and spare not, lift your voice like a trumpet, declare to the people of God their transgressions and to the house of Jacob their sins! Rise up O Church, hear the Voice of Your Lord! Seek Him with all your heart, cry out for His Presence, cry out for Holiness. Cry out for purity of heart. Who may ascend to the Hill of the Lord, who can stand in His Holy place; he that has clean hands and a pure heart. Those who are not devoted to idols or have falsely sworn. They will receive blessings from the Lord and justice from their God. This is the generation that will seek Your face, oh God of Jacob!
Let us be that generation O God! Let us be that generation!! Let us boldly declare to the gates of the cities and the nations that the King of Glory is coming! That He is coming to rule and reign, that He is bringing Justice to the nations and will deal swiftly with all sin. This King of Glory is the Lord Almighty, El Elyon, Jehovah. He is the Lord, mighty in battle and mighty to save those who call upon His name!
My God! Give us a passion for You. A passion for purity, a passion for holiness and righteousness. Lord, a passion for Your Kingdom. Teach us what it means to walk in Your Presence daily. Lord let this people be a people of Your Glory, that carry Your Glory upon us. Lord that the dead will be raised back to life, demons would cry out and driven out, and that sinners would fall on their face in Your Presence crying for repentance Lord, and that sickness will flee even as our shadows pass over them as it was with Peter – he had been in Your Presence daily! O Lord, give us that kind of passion for You. Not for signs and wonders, but a passion for Your name, that it will be Glorified in all that we do, in all that we say, in every place we go.
Lord God, this is my cry!!! Lord if no other desires this, then Lord, hear me! Birth this in me O God! I only want You my God! I want to know You. Hide me in Your Presence, let me not be seen O Lord. I surrender to You, I surrender to Your call. Nothing else matters in this life if I don’t have Your blessing, Your favor. Let me die, that I may live according to Your Spirit Lord. That is all I want. To be Your servant. I want be holy before You. Kadosh, Kadosh Lord. Make me holy Lord.
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