Went to the dr yesterday and found out that I have pyroderma gangrenosum again. This is an autoimmune form of gangrene. Very painful. Best way I can describe it is hot chili oil being poured on a open wound. It isn't that bad now though - and I praise God for that.
Basically the dr said that the stomach crohn's is cured (as I have no intestine to attack), but now the crohn's is attacking my skin. crohn's is still there, my immune system going crazy. It doesn't have the intestine to attack, so it is going to find something else - so it is eating my dermis (tissue under the skin).
I have 2 large lessions on my leg and 1 where the surgical scar is - it was almost healed. The area of a dime, now pyro has eaten away a place the size of a half dollar. I've had over 10 months of this now. I am tired of it.
I have battled in the spirit, been prayed for, been anointed with oil, the spirit of infirmity rebuked - and I am still fighting. I know healing is mine in Jesus' name. But I want it now. THhs has gone on for too long!
Warriors for the Kingdom
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
2 dreams of healing - deafness
Friday, February 24, 2006
I was driving on Radium Springs Road and I turned on Williamsburg headed back to 19 to my church. I kept going in circles. I would wind up back on Radium Springs. I turned back on Williamsburg and I saw Jesus walking down the road. I was now on a bicycle.
Jesus turned to me and I said “Lord, go ahead of me and I will follow you.” I sensed that the Lord was grieved at this. I then said “Stop Lord. Walk beside me.”
Jesus took the handle bars of the bike. I took my feet of the pedals, took my hands off the bars, wrapped my arms around Jesus and rested my head upon him and just closed my eyes.
When I did this, I was immediately at the church. I was always able to see Him. He walked in with me, with my head still upon His chest (my left ear). I looked up to Him and said, “Lord, I can’t hear Your Heartbeat. I am nearly deaf.”
Some people in the church (no one that is actually a part of the congregation) grabbed me. Some tried to cast out a demon, others rebuking the deafness, 1 was some sort of psychologist and he gave some kind of behavioral problem as the diagnosis. Nothing the people did restored the hearing.
When the people were doing this, Jesus walked away to the other side of the room. I kept my eyes on Jesus. After this was over, I went back to Jesus and rested my head up on His chest again and just rested in Him.
When I awoke, the Lord told me that as I kept my eyes on Him, rested in Him, and listened to His Heart, He would heal me completely.
Nov 5, 2007 - It was one of those dreams in a dream kinds - I always know to pay attention to things like this.
I was in a church service somewhere - didn't look like anywhere I had ever been before. They had music playing - it was Misty Edwards, but I don't know if she was there or it was a CD, it was her voice though. I was in the back of the church - pacing and praying. A man was propped up against the back of a pew watching me. From where he stood, he asked me if I wanted to be filled with the Spirit again and healed. I said YES! When I did, I fell flat on my face. Then I remember another man coming behind me, he squatted down over me, placed his hands over both my ears. I remember the other man saying take the nails. He took the nails and placed them against the back of my ears, it felt like the tip was going through the back, but then there was a pop and my ears opened. I could hear perfectly. At that moment, I began to speak in tongues in a language that I had never spoken before.
That is when I woke up and realized that was dream (still in a dream). I began to cry, knowing that it was only a dream. I began to seek God and plead for my healing. I spent the day praying, later than night I went to another church (again one that I didn't recognize) and went and told them the dream from that morning. They began to pray, but nothing happened. But the next thing I knew, all the women in there were wearing wedding gowns. Dream was over.
I woke up knowing that God is indeed about to heal me and set me free. I am pondering the nails and then the wedding dress - but I think I know the wedding dress meaning. The church is about to begin to walk in the position of the Bride and recognize her authority. That is one thing God is teaching me - the authority of the sons and the authority of the Bride.
April 26, 2008 - Nails – A few weeks after I had this dream, I was reading a verse about the bondservant. When a man went from slave to bondservant of his master, his ear was pierced through with an awl. God was saying that in becoming a bondservant to Him, my healing would come. Bondservant – one who freely chooses to serve a master, even though he is free from all slavery
I was driving on Radium Springs Road and I turned on Williamsburg headed back to 19 to my church. I kept going in circles. I would wind up back on Radium Springs. I turned back on Williamsburg and I saw Jesus walking down the road. I was now on a bicycle.
Jesus turned to me and I said “Lord, go ahead of me and I will follow you.” I sensed that the Lord was grieved at this. I then said “Stop Lord. Walk beside me.”
Jesus took the handle bars of the bike. I took my feet of the pedals, took my hands off the bars, wrapped my arms around Jesus and rested my head upon him and just closed my eyes.
When I did this, I was immediately at the church. I was always able to see Him. He walked in with me, with my head still upon His chest (my left ear). I looked up to Him and said, “Lord, I can’t hear Your Heartbeat. I am nearly deaf.”
Some people in the church (no one that is actually a part of the congregation) grabbed me. Some tried to cast out a demon, others rebuking the deafness, 1 was some sort of psychologist and he gave some kind of behavioral problem as the diagnosis. Nothing the people did restored the hearing.
When the people were doing this, Jesus walked away to the other side of the room. I kept my eyes on Jesus. After this was over, I went back to Jesus and rested my head up on His chest again and just rested in Him.
When I awoke, the Lord told me that as I kept my eyes on Him, rested in Him, and listened to His Heart, He would heal me completely.
Nov 5, 2007 - It was one of those dreams in a dream kinds - I always know to pay attention to things like this.
I was in a church service somewhere - didn't look like anywhere I had ever been before. They had music playing - it was Misty Edwards, but I don't know if she was there or it was a CD, it was her voice though. I was in the back of the church - pacing and praying. A man was propped up against the back of a pew watching me. From where he stood, he asked me if I wanted to be filled with the Spirit again and healed. I said YES! When I did, I fell flat on my face. Then I remember another man coming behind me, he squatted down over me, placed his hands over both my ears. I remember the other man saying take the nails. He took the nails and placed them against the back of my ears, it felt like the tip was going through the back, but then there was a pop and my ears opened. I could hear perfectly. At that moment, I began to speak in tongues in a language that I had never spoken before.
That is when I woke up and realized that was dream (still in a dream). I began to cry, knowing that it was only a dream. I began to seek God and plead for my healing. I spent the day praying, later than night I went to another church (again one that I didn't recognize) and went and told them the dream from that morning. They began to pray, but nothing happened. But the next thing I knew, all the women in there were wearing wedding gowns. Dream was over.
I woke up knowing that God is indeed about to heal me and set me free. I am pondering the nails and then the wedding dress - but I think I know the wedding dress meaning. The church is about to begin to walk in the position of the Bride and recognize her authority. That is one thing God is teaching me - the authority of the sons and the authority of the Bride.
April 26, 2008 - Nails – A few weeks after I had this dream, I was reading a verse about the bondservant. When a man went from slave to bondservant of his master, his ear was pierced through with an awl. God was saying that in becoming a bondservant to Him, my healing would come. Bondservant – one who freely chooses to serve a master, even though he is free from all slavery
Aurora Dreams
Since the end of 2001, I have had 5 Aurora dreams. God is showing me some amazing things through them. I wake up with such an awe of God, consumed with His Presence. Last night was the first time that some one I knew was with me. I believe that God is letting me see His Glory upon them, His desire to reveal His Heart to them.
I have been having long conversations with my uncle Randy and his daughter Amber about God. Both are Christians and have a desire to serve God. They have been asking my a lot about discernment and prophecy. We have been talking about spiritual principles. My uncle calls me when he has questions concerning the Word of God or anything someone has spoken over him.
Nov 8, 2001
I had a dream Sunday night; I was standing on a hill with several other people and was looking up into a cloud. Out of this cloud came the Aurora Borealis. I saw pinks, blues, lavenders, and green. It seemed to dance (emanate) outward from the cloud. I cry when I think about this dream. I went to church Sunday morning so aware of the glory of God. While I was standing there, I was overcome with the presence of God. I woke up with the most reverent, awestruck sense of the power of God.
On Dec 19, I had this dream -
I remember being in Australia with a team on ministers. We had been there for a week or so ministering. It was our last day there. I had been praying all week that we would see the Aurora (southern lights). The last day was cloudy, even raining some. I remember that we did not have hotel rooms; we slept in tents on the beach or near a huge lake.
Interpretation - First, we were ministering. This is the church about the Father's business. It was our last day on the mission’s trip. We are the last days church. This is the last of the last days. The team lived in tents. This speaks of the earth not being our home, but Heaven.
I was praying to see the Aurora, which God spoke to me (for me) that this represents His Glory. I was crying out for the Glory of God. Not just me, but this represented the true God chasers. Even among the believers, the ministers, there was doubt that the Glory of God would appear because of the darkness of the world. Is 60 say "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
As we continue to seek the Face of God, He will pour out His Glory upon us, even in the darkest night. Do not grow weary in seeking God. His will shall be done in the earth!
No Date – sometime in March 02 is all I remember -This was the dream.
My parents were having an argument. My dad had found my diary (he actually did that week). He said that there were things in there that could destroy him, so he kicked me out of the house later that night after my mom left for work. I got some of my things together and started to leave. I went back inside and got my Bible. I then got in the car and started driving down the road (HW19). Just when I passed this church - The Light House - the aurora began. It stayed almost directly over this church. I pulled over and began to cry. end of dream.
April 17, 2002
I was driving down Highway 19 going home when all of the sudden came a coronal aurora. I began to praise God, for I knew that He was visiting my city. The colors were so vivid and bright. It was colors that I have never seen before. The aurora began as a circle in the sky, and then turned into the regular curtain aurora.
I tried to call home to tell my family, no one would answer. I kept trying. When I got home, there were many people at my house. Most I did not know. We all sat in amazement at the aurora. One girl, I seemed to know her in the dream, got there just as it ended. She saw the last wave of the auroral curtain. She began to cry because she had missed it. I told her that she has not. I pointed to the sky and showed her that one curtain, ever so faint, lingered in the air. It seemed to hover over us, as a fine light trail.
I then remember going into my kitchen, I could still see out the window. Instead of being my kitchen, it was a hospital room or a nursing home room. There was this elderly lady and her son. I remember my dad and mom being there also. I knew the mother and son, yet they did not look like the people that I really know. In the dream, the man's mother is alive, (in real life she has been dead for over 30 yrs and the man is elderly and has great-grandchildren. My parents knew his mother and his siblings.) We talked about old times, the church that they used to go to. Just caught up on many things. Throughout the conversation, I remember keeping my eyes on the window, looking for the aurora to begin again. I told the man and woman, all about the aurora, what I believed God was doing my city.
I remember her sitting at the table crying about something. I laid my hands upon her and began to pray for her. My mom was sitting opposite her and was looking at me strange. When I was through ministering to her I gave her my phone number and left.
Feb 25, 2003
I was standing at the kitchen window looking out at the sky south of my house. It was late evening (just about 15 min before dark) when something caught my eye on the SE corner of the sky. I don’t remember what it was at this time, but as I looked intently in that direction, I began to see an aurora. It was partly cloudy that day, yet the aurora shown through the clouds with no problem, actually seemed to come out of the cloud. I remember the colors were of the light spectrum (like a rainbow – pale in color, yet vibrant.) It just seemed to dance in the sky, the event lasted about 10 minutes. I went outside to catch a better view. I remember standing outside crying while I was looking up. I picked up my cell phone and called my cousin. She and her father were driving south on 19 towards my house. They were amazed at the view. Amber was crying as she was watching. Randy was just in shock. After it was over, I went back into the house and opened by Bible and fell on the floor before the Lord.
I would appreciate prayer on this, as I do believe the Lord is speaking some specific things concerning my family through this. If the Father reveals anything to you, please share.
I just realized this - HW19 is also called Liberty Expressway
The Bride and 9/11
The Lord reminded me of a vision and a word the weekend before the terror attacks in New York and DC.
Friday night (Sept 7, 2001) as I was lying down for bed, I began to pray. I began to ask that the Lord would be my Advocate, my Lawyer to represent me in the divorce case with the world. I asked that the Father, the Righteous Judge, would grant me a bill of divorcement from the marriage that had been consummated with the world and a bill of annulment from the betrothal to the things that I was given to, but not yet tied to.
Friday night (Sept 7, 2001) as I was lying down for bed, I began to pray. I began to ask that the Lord would be my Advocate, my Lawyer to represent me in the divorce case with the world. I asked that the Father, the Righteous Judge, would grant me a bill of divorcement from the marriage that had been consummated with the world and a bill of annulment from the betrothal to the things that I was given to, but not yet tied to.
After I prayed, I saw a beautiful Bride, ready for the wedding. She was dressed in the most gorgeous gown that I have ever seen. (I have been looking at bridal gowns since I was 18 and trying to design mine.) It was made of silk and satin, even fabrics that I have never seen before. The train looked to be a mile long; it didn't ever seem to end. The bodice of the gown was made of the purest, whitest flowers that could be imagined. There was not a single spot in the flower. They cast no shadow. I could hear someone say "She has prepared herself with myrrh and aloes." At this point, I noticed the sweetest fragrance. It was subtle, yet overwhelming at the same time. I could not see her face; a veil covered her face completely.
She had a crown of gold with many jewels upon her head, it seemed that the veil was attached to the crown. Even though her face was veiled, she had a radiance that shone so bright. I noticed then that her hands were covered with silk gloves that seemed to be made into the gown.
She then moved her hands down to her dress and raised the hem a bit to reveal her shoes. I noticed that she wore combat boots. I began to chuckle a bit at the sight. I looked closely and saw that the boots were not clean, like the rest of her appearance. Her shoes were filthy, had mud and muck all over them. The vision ended.
Tonight, (Monday Sept 10, 2001) I was looking for Rick Joyner's web site. I accidentally went to http://morningstarministries.com/ I looked through the site and it was speaking of fasting. On the side bar, I looked and saw "What Says the Bride." I looked again and saw the same thing. Didn't click on the link but took note. Scanned down the rest of the page. That is when I noticed that I was not at Rick Joyner's site. It had a link to his page http://morningstarministries.org) and I click there, it opened another browser so I scanned back up to the top of the page and still saw "What Says the Bride." I went on the Rick's site and searched a few things. I closed that browser and was back to the original page. This time, that link said what it was supposed to say - "What the Bible Says." I have been pondering this since. I wouldn't have taken notice to that, except that I had the vision of the Bride Friday night.
Then the next morning - the fateful 9-11, the Lord began asking me "What says the Bride", it began softly but then built in intensity until the voice was almost audible and very commanding. I began to weep, for I did not know how to answer. The Lord then brought to my remembrance a word that He spoke to me on Aug 7, 01.
Decision America
A new day is dawning for the Church in America. This is a decision time. We say that election time is "Decision America", but this is the day and the hour for "Decision America." America's future hangs in the balance. What will she do? Will she turn her heart back to the God of her Founding Fathers, or will she forsake the Hand that has brought her safely through all trials? Why has this hour come, you ask? Have I not been wooing you by My Spirit, says the Lord? You have turned a deaf ear to me, as did the nation of Israel. I am giving one last call to this nation, if you turn, I will hear you and become your God, but if you do not, then I will remove My Hand of protection from you.
America the Beautiful, you are beloved. Heed the warning and you will prosper. Turn back to the God of your Fathers. Let the Lord, Jehovah-Nissi, be the banner over this land again. He has covered you with is hand and protected you in battle, now you say that there is peace and we do not need the Lord. But O, how we need Him! We do not see that the greatest danger is yet of the horizon. Return and see the Salvation of the Lord.
Intercessors, it is time, more than ever, to pray and intercede for this nation. Do not grow weary; stand strong. In times of weakness, the Lord Almighty will be your strength. Keep you eyes upon the goal, and you will see the glory of the Lord revealed."
The Altar and the Temple
Aug 4, 1999
This vision lasted about an hour.
I saw Jesus on the cross, His blood streaming down. I was at the base of the cross, crying. Then I saw Jesus standing in front of me, arms outstretched. Now I was walking. There was an Angel walking with me. We had a long conversation. I asked him many questions. I did ask him his name, he would not tell me. He said that it would take my focus off what I was supposed to receive. He told me about how he was sent to protect me, that he was the one that walked by my side through the years. He said that he never understood God's love to the human race, yet it never ceased to amaze him.
By this time, we were walking up a mountain trail. It was very rocky and dry. From here I could see a beautiful valley. Here the angel begins to tell me that God had chosen me to preach His Word. He told me not to be afraid.
The angel began to tell me how satan had fought me, even tried to kill me, and I didn't even know it. He told me to picture satan in my mind - I did. Then he said that this is not how satan really looked. Then I saw satan as he was in heaven. I then saw him fall to the earth, stripped of his beauty. Even in this state, there was something attractive, yet ugly about him. He was not at all how I expected him. This verse came to my remembrance - "Is this the one who caused the nations to tremble?"
The angel and I continued to walk up the mountain again, this time in silence. He pointed to the East. From there, I could see a small cloud coming towards the mountain. As it grew closer, it got bigger and brighter. As I am lying in the bed, my body is trembling. As the cloud approaches me in the vision I'm trembling in fear, but my body (in bed) is now jerking and I'm crying softly. Finally, the cloud came too close for me. My body jerks forward and I turn over and cover my eyes. I knew that God's glory had just passed over me and it literally scared me! I was trembling in fear. That was the closest encounter that I've had with the Glory of God.
As I saw the Glory of God pass over me, I finally turned back over. Then as I did, I started walking in the vision - following the cloud. The angel was still walking with me. I reached a walled place with a gate. We entered the gate and I realized that I as at the temple. I saw the Glory of God come over the temple and come to rest over the Holy of Holies. I was still standing at the gate's entrance. The angel began walking again. I followed. He walked up to the altar of sacrifice.
I stood there in silence. He pointed to a set of stairs. I stood there shaking my head "no". As I was lying in bed, tears were streaming down my face. My spirit was saying "yes, Lord, I submit." But I guess in the vision, "I" represented the flesh.
I looked at the angel and said "If I can turn to see the Glory of God, I will." He just shook his head "yes". He took my hand and walked me up to the stairs, but didn't go with me. In fact, when I lay down on the altar, he disappeared. I lay there on the altar trembling. In bed, I was crying and trembling.
As I was on the altar, I saw a cloud separate from the main cloud of God's Glory. It came over the altar. From this cloud came a hand with a long gleaming white sword. I began to cry out "NO!". I closed my eyes physically and in the vision. When I did, the sword came down and cut me across the heart. Physically, I felt a searing pain across my chest.
At a later date I had another experience with this vision at the Golden Laver. I will type this soon.
Bronze Laver vision – this took place a couple of weeks later. I was laying in bed that afternoon – just a few days after getting out of the hospital.
The vision began where the other one left off. I was open and wounded. The Angel lifts me off the altar and carries me like a dead man over to the Laver. It is full of water. He lays me in this laver and as the water touched the open wound, it began to close. This is where life returned to me. He lifted me back out and I saw that the open wound was healed but I had a long scar across my chest. I was clothed in new clothing, as the other had been torn by the sword.
I continued to the temple and went in to the Table of Showbread, partook of a piece. Walked next to the Lampstand and lit my candle from there. Next went to the altar of Incense. I held on to the altar. This is where the vision ended.
This vision lasted about an hour.
I saw Jesus on the cross, His blood streaming down. I was at the base of the cross, crying. Then I saw Jesus standing in front of me, arms outstretched. Now I was walking. There was an Angel walking with me. We had a long conversation. I asked him many questions. I did ask him his name, he would not tell me. He said that it would take my focus off what I was supposed to receive. He told me about how he was sent to protect me, that he was the one that walked by my side through the years. He said that he never understood God's love to the human race, yet it never ceased to amaze him.
By this time, we were walking up a mountain trail. It was very rocky and dry. From here I could see a beautiful valley. Here the angel begins to tell me that God had chosen me to preach His Word. He told me not to be afraid.
The angel began to tell me how satan had fought me, even tried to kill me, and I didn't even know it. He told me to picture satan in my mind - I did. Then he said that this is not how satan really looked. Then I saw satan as he was in heaven. I then saw him fall to the earth, stripped of his beauty. Even in this state, there was something attractive, yet ugly about him. He was not at all how I expected him. This verse came to my remembrance - "Is this the one who caused the nations to tremble?"
The angel and I continued to walk up the mountain again, this time in silence. He pointed to the East. From there, I could see a small cloud coming towards the mountain. As it grew closer, it got bigger and brighter. As I am lying in the bed, my body is trembling. As the cloud approaches me in the vision I'm trembling in fear, but my body (in bed) is now jerking and I'm crying softly. Finally, the cloud came too close for me. My body jerks forward and I turn over and cover my eyes. I knew that God's glory had just passed over me and it literally scared me! I was trembling in fear. That was the closest encounter that I've had with the Glory of God.
As I saw the Glory of God pass over me, I finally turned back over. Then as I did, I started walking in the vision - following the cloud. The angel was still walking with me. I reached a walled place with a gate. We entered the gate and I realized that I as at the temple. I saw the Glory of God come over the temple and come to rest over the Holy of Holies. I was still standing at the gate's entrance. The angel began walking again. I followed. He walked up to the altar of sacrifice.
I stood there in silence. He pointed to a set of stairs. I stood there shaking my head "no". As I was lying in bed, tears were streaming down my face. My spirit was saying "yes, Lord, I submit." But I guess in the vision, "I" represented the flesh.
I looked at the angel and said "If I can turn to see the Glory of God, I will." He just shook his head "yes". He took my hand and walked me up to the stairs, but didn't go with me. In fact, when I lay down on the altar, he disappeared. I lay there on the altar trembling. In bed, I was crying and trembling.

I lay there, seeing myself bleed. Then the angel came back. He took me by the hand and lifted me off the altar. When he did, I stopped bleeding, but was still open. I was still trembling and crying.
I began to walk around the area and saw the different items of the temple. I saw the Bronze Laver. Then the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. At that time, I didn't enter any of them. End of Dream.
At a later date I had another experience with this vision at the Golden Laver. I will type this soon.
Bronze Laver vision – this took place a couple of weeks later. I was laying in bed that afternoon – just a few days after getting out of the hospital.
The vision began where the other one left off. I was open and wounded. The Angel lifts me off the altar and carries me like a dead man over to the Laver. It is full of water. He lays me in this laver and as the water touched the open wound, it began to close. This is where life returned to me. He lifted me back out and I saw that the open wound was healed but I had a long scar across my chest. I was clothed in new clothing, as the other had been torn by the sword.

God then spoke to me that the next phase of my life was service. That same year, I received my ordination. He spoke that I would enter into the the Holy of Holies before His Presence soon, but I had to wait for a season.
The Kings Chamber - vision 1-9-2001
As I was praying, asking the Father to take me to that Secret place, to the King's Chamber, this is what I saw. I was praying and meditating upon this verse when I entered into the vision. Isa 66: “Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?”

There is brightness to the room, but I don’t see a light source. The King Himself is the Light. There is a footstool by the bed. It is gold and pearl. The cover is red velvet, the same as the canopy cover. There is no carpet in the room. The floor is transparent gold, almost like Diamonds. The floor reflects perfectly the Glory and Light of the King. There doesn’t seem to be any walls in the room or any ceiling. Then I saw the strangest sight; a silver door. From the outside of the Kings Chamber, there is red carpet laid out right up to the door. I see the Bride coming to the door. She does not have her Bridal Gown on. She has a Radiant Gown on. It is beautiful, but it is so simplistic. It is pure white, looks to be made of silk. She has her bridal bouquet in her hand. I saw white roses, red roses, lilies, carnations, and orchids. There is something pure about her. A gentle smile, a hungry look in her eyes, a longing in her face. She reaches her hand to knock on the door, but as she does, the door is opened.
I saw the King standing at the door. He was clothed in the most beautiful garments. His robe was purple, same as the bed linens. He has a sash around His waist that was deep red, inlaid with gold. He seemed to be enveloped with Light, the Light seemed to emanate from Him. His eyes were flames of fire. That fire met every hunger in the Bride. She began to be weak, which caused her to begin to fall. The King caught her in His arms. He carried her to the bed. He gently laid her upon it and lay down with her, caressing her head. He held her in His arms and began to whisper His secrets in her ear.

The Bride having on a simple gown represents humility. It is radiant because she has been in the Glory of God. His favor is upon her. There is purity in the Bride for the fires of God have tried her. She longs to she her King, her Ishi; she is hungry for His presence. She smiles, knowing that He is about to answer her hearts cry. She begins to knock on the door, but the King, knowing her hearts cry opens the door to her. Isaiah 65:24 says “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

When we enter into that Secret Chamber of Our Lord and King, His beauty and His majesty will overwhelm us, to the point of being pliable in His hands. He will be able to take us and move us into any place He would have us to be. That Holy Fire in His eyes will burn away every impurity in us; it will meet our every longing, our deepest hearts cry. He will take us into His arms, hold us near to His heart and will share the secrets of His heart with us, for He knows that He can trust us.
A large bed made of the purest gold. The linens were made of the finest material ever seen. They were of the deepest wine/purple color I have ever seen, like the fire of a Brazilian Amethyst. Across the canopy of the bed was fabric of red velour/velvet. This was almost Garnet/Bloodstone in color, also known as Sardis in the Scripture. The canopy of the bed was pure gold, topped with Ivory. The headboard was also pure gold, inlaid with many precious stones. I recognized Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Garnet, Amethyst, Diamond, Onyx, Pearl and Topaz. I saw other colors that I didn’t know. One looks like Mother of Pearl or Opal.

As I saw the next part, the Spirit of the Lord overwhelmed me. I was slain in the spirit, the Lord spoke that He was burning this upon my heart.

I am feeling the Spirit of the Lord even as I type this. He is so real to me right now.
Interpretation – I don’t have much but here is what I have.
The wine/purple color represents Royalty.
Red represents the Blood of Jesus that was shed for our salvation.
The colors of the stones do have a lot of meaning; will have to search them out.
Jesus, the King Himself is the Light of the world, of Heaven.
The silver door represents redemption.
The red carpet represents that we can only enter the presence of God through the Blood of Jesus that bought our redemption.

A 2am rant that turned into a prayer session - 12-2007
I am putting a PS at the front of this. I only intended to write the first part, but the Lord had other plans. I am keeping in the prayer. I heart just began to spill out as I wrote. This seems to happen in the middle of the night . I only meant to tell ya about the wreck and how God is going to turn everything into victory for His sake --- but…. LOL
I was in a slight wreck tonight - dad drove us into a deep ditch. I was in the middle, so I got elbows jabbed all in me. We were able to get out without any help, but dad checked his truck when we got home - he bent the frame under the truck! He thought he could turn around at the library, but there was a deep ditch. One side of the truck went in.
Now I am having shoulder pains - my collar bone is snapping when I move it.
Okay - doesn't satan get it?? I am healed! He is not going to attack my body again and cause me to re-injure this shoulder! I have been a year without pain and it is not coming back.
Father spoke healing again this morning over me and I receive His Word.
Tomorrow, in spite of the pain, in spite of the cold, I am going to be out there again with the flag, worshipping in my private time before the Lord. Worshipping in the beauty of holiness and praising Him for He is victorious over all His enemies!
This was a dream I had Sunday morning.
Dream – Dec 2, 2007
I don’t remember all the details of the first part, but something about being on a ship and it was flooding, and we couldn’t get by the bridge – the water was too high for us to go under.
Then the next thing, I am in my yard. Leaves are everywhere – all red leaves. There is a tree in South Ga that has the most gorgeous red leaves in the fall (I think it is the Japanese red leafed Maple). http://www.pbase.com/hjsteed/image/59447713 We don’t have any of these trees near my property though.
I was outside dancing and this red velvet cape/mantle was dropped over me. I took the red velvet mantle and held each end of it and began dancing with it through the yard. I used the mantle/cape like a banner. Then finally, I was laying down in a bed of these leaves with the mantle completely covering me.
Then my friend from Croatia wrote me this morning, “This how it seems to me: you are to much in water/spirit, you can't make any compromise, and this red velvet...... oh,my......this is awesome!
Last days I talk with my friend/sister in Christ how much Lord my Banner is meaning to me as the name of the Lord. And Holy Spirit showed us picture of old bed with baldachin (I'm not sure that I spell word right, but you know what I mean - like royal bed). And, when we are in Spirit, and living in a Spirit, we are on this bed of rest, and Lord, Father is like a baldachin covering us. Your red velvet mantle is His healing mantle, healing that coming from His blood from His wounds. get ready to be healed and to be mum and everything He want's you to be!”
She posted that this morning right around 6am EST time. I was having another dream at the same time…
I was watching tv and this minister was on - in the dream, the tv turned itself on and to that channel. The man said "there is a young lady watching, your name is Joy, and you have crohn's. God is healing you now."
I remember crying and the Presence of God so sweet and strong over me.
I am up today with just a twinge of pain in my side, but that has to go in Jesus' name!!
I have fought crohn’s since I was a child – around 10 years old. So 19, almost 20 years now. The Lord Jehovah spoke to me on Dec 14, 06 that He was healing me and that this would be my year of deliverance. Everything in my life has come to light this year, even the fact that I was adopted. Every area of strongholds in my life have been revealed and the chains have been broken. It has been spoken over me many times that the Lord would impart a healing anointing upon my life because this is the area that satan has tried to take. God is going to redeem everything the enemy has stolen and He will cause hurt to the enemy’s kingdom through those things. He has tried to take my health, my life, my purity and innocence. These are the areas that the Lord has given me to preach.
My heart is crying for purity in the church – so many want the power of God but they don’t want to pay the price – walking a life of purity and holiness before the Lord. We want to see miracles, signs, and wonders, but for what reason – so many want it so they can have a name, number’s in their pews each week. But that is not the reason. I do believe that signs and miracles are available to the church, but there is a cost – purity, holiness, and righteousness. We can’t be seeking our glory. These miracles are to draw all men to our Savior and Lord, Jesus the Messiah! It is for His Glory that we should cry out for purity. It is for His Glory that we should cry out for miracles.
I think the heart of the issue is holiness. As the church begins to walk in true holiness before the Lord (not legalism), we will begin to see healings, deliverances take place. Jesus said that if He be lifted up, all men will be drawn to Him.
Yes, I do believe that we are in the last days and a great falling away is taking place, but I believe that our Lord is issuing a clarion call to the church to go forth and make disciples. We have just a short window of time to go about this ministry. It may be 20 years or it may be 50, or it maybe 1 month. Only the Father knows. But we have been given our calling and must walk in it.
Cry aloud and spare not, lift your voice like a trumpet, declare to the people of God their transgressions and to the house of Jacob their sins! Rise up O Church, hear the Voice of Your Lord! Seek Him with all your heart, cry out for His Presence, cry out for Holiness. Cry out for purity of heart. Who may ascend to the Hill of the Lord, who can stand in His Holy place; he that has clean hands and a pure heart. Those who are not devoted to idols or have falsely sworn. They will receive blessings from the Lord and justice from their God. This is the generation that will seek Your face, oh God of Jacob!
Let us be that generation O God! Let us be that generation!! Let us boldly declare to the gates of the cities and the nations that the King of Glory is coming! That He is coming to rule and reign, that He is bringing Justice to the nations and will deal swiftly with all sin. This King of Glory is the Lord Almighty, El Elyon, Jehovah. He is the Lord, mighty in battle and mighty to save those who call upon His name!
My God! Give us a passion for You. A passion for purity, a passion for holiness and righteousness. Lord, a passion for Your Kingdom. Teach us what it means to walk in Your Presence daily. Lord let this people be a people of Your Glory, that carry Your Glory upon us. Lord that the dead will be raised back to life, demons would cry out and driven out, and that sinners would fall on their face in Your Presence crying for repentance Lord, and that sickness will flee even as our shadows pass over them as it was with Peter – he had been in Your Presence daily! O Lord, give us that kind of passion for You. Not for signs and wonders, but a passion for Your name, that it will be Glorified in all that we do, in all that we say, in every place we go.
Lord God, this is my cry!!! Lord if no other desires this, then Lord, hear me! Birth this in me O God! I only want You my God! I want to know You. Hide me in Your Presence, let me not be seen O Lord. I surrender to You, I surrender to Your call. Nothing else matters in this life if I don’t have Your blessing, Your favor. Let me die, that I may live according to Your Spirit Lord. That is all I want. To be Your servant. I want be holy before You. Kadosh, Kadosh Lord. Make me holy Lord.
I was in a slight wreck tonight - dad drove us into a deep ditch. I was in the middle, so I got elbows jabbed all in me. We were able to get out without any help, but dad checked his truck when we got home - he bent the frame under the truck! He thought he could turn around at the library, but there was a deep ditch. One side of the truck went in.
Now I am having shoulder pains - my collar bone is snapping when I move it.
Okay - doesn't satan get it?? I am healed! He is not going to attack my body again and cause me to re-injure this shoulder! I have been a year without pain and it is not coming back.
Father spoke healing again this morning over me and I receive His Word.
Tomorrow, in spite of the pain, in spite of the cold, I am going to be out there again with the flag, worshipping in my private time before the Lord. Worshipping in the beauty of holiness and praising Him for He is victorious over all His enemies!
This was a dream I had Sunday morning.
Dream – Dec 2, 2007
I don’t remember all the details of the first part, but something about being on a ship and it was flooding, and we couldn’t get by the bridge – the water was too high for us to go under.
Then the next thing, I am in my yard. Leaves are everywhere – all red leaves. There is a tree in South Ga that has the most gorgeous red leaves in the fall (I think it is the Japanese red leafed Maple). http://www.pbase.com/hjsteed/image/59447713 We don’t have any of these trees near my property though.
I was outside dancing and this red velvet cape/mantle was dropped over me. I took the red velvet mantle and held each end of it and began dancing with it through the yard. I used the mantle/cape like a banner. Then finally, I was laying down in a bed of these leaves with the mantle completely covering me.
Then my friend from Croatia wrote me this morning, “This how it seems to me: you are to much in water/spirit, you can't make any compromise, and this red velvet...... oh,my......this is awesome!
Last days I talk with my friend/sister in Christ how much Lord my Banner is meaning to me as the name of the Lord. And Holy Spirit showed us picture of old bed with baldachin (I'm not sure that I spell word right, but you know what I mean - like royal bed). And, when we are in Spirit, and living in a Spirit, we are on this bed of rest, and Lord, Father is like a baldachin covering us. Your red velvet mantle is His healing mantle, healing that coming from His blood from His wounds. get ready to be healed and to be mum and everything He want's you to be!”
She posted that this morning right around 6am EST time. I was having another dream at the same time…
I was watching tv and this minister was on - in the dream, the tv turned itself on and to that channel. The man said "there is a young lady watching, your name is Joy, and you have crohn's. God is healing you now."
I remember crying and the Presence of God so sweet and strong over me.
I am up today with just a twinge of pain in my side, but that has to go in Jesus' name!!
I have fought crohn’s since I was a child – around 10 years old. So 19, almost 20 years now. The Lord Jehovah spoke to me on Dec 14, 06 that He was healing me and that this would be my year of deliverance. Everything in my life has come to light this year, even the fact that I was adopted. Every area of strongholds in my life have been revealed and the chains have been broken. It has been spoken over me many times that the Lord would impart a healing anointing upon my life because this is the area that satan has tried to take. God is going to redeem everything the enemy has stolen and He will cause hurt to the enemy’s kingdom through those things. He has tried to take my health, my life, my purity and innocence. These are the areas that the Lord has given me to preach.
My heart is crying for purity in the church – so many want the power of God but they don’t want to pay the price – walking a life of purity and holiness before the Lord. We want to see miracles, signs, and wonders, but for what reason – so many want it so they can have a name, number’s in their pews each week. But that is not the reason. I do believe that signs and miracles are available to the church, but there is a cost – purity, holiness, and righteousness. We can’t be seeking our glory. These miracles are to draw all men to our Savior and Lord, Jesus the Messiah! It is for His Glory that we should cry out for purity. It is for His Glory that we should cry out for miracles.
I think the heart of the issue is holiness. As the church begins to walk in true holiness before the Lord (not legalism), we will begin to see healings, deliverances take place. Jesus said that if He be lifted up, all men will be drawn to Him.
Yes, I do believe that we are in the last days and a great falling away is taking place, but I believe that our Lord is issuing a clarion call to the church to go forth and make disciples. We have just a short window of time to go about this ministry. It may be 20 years or it may be 50, or it maybe 1 month. Only the Father knows. But we have been given our calling and must walk in it.
Cry aloud and spare not, lift your voice like a trumpet, declare to the people of God their transgressions and to the house of Jacob their sins! Rise up O Church, hear the Voice of Your Lord! Seek Him with all your heart, cry out for His Presence, cry out for Holiness. Cry out for purity of heart. Who may ascend to the Hill of the Lord, who can stand in His Holy place; he that has clean hands and a pure heart. Those who are not devoted to idols or have falsely sworn. They will receive blessings from the Lord and justice from their God. This is the generation that will seek Your face, oh God of Jacob!
Let us be that generation O God! Let us be that generation!! Let us boldly declare to the gates of the cities and the nations that the King of Glory is coming! That He is coming to rule and reign, that He is bringing Justice to the nations and will deal swiftly with all sin. This King of Glory is the Lord Almighty, El Elyon, Jehovah. He is the Lord, mighty in battle and mighty to save those who call upon His name!
My God! Give us a passion for You. A passion for purity, a passion for holiness and righteousness. Lord, a passion for Your Kingdom. Teach us what it means to walk in Your Presence daily. Lord let this people be a people of Your Glory, that carry Your Glory upon us. Lord that the dead will be raised back to life, demons would cry out and driven out, and that sinners would fall on their face in Your Presence crying for repentance Lord, and that sickness will flee even as our shadows pass over them as it was with Peter – he had been in Your Presence daily! O Lord, give us that kind of passion for You. Not for signs and wonders, but a passion for Your name, that it will be Glorified in all that we do, in all that we say, in every place we go.
Lord God, this is my cry!!! Lord if no other desires this, then Lord, hear me! Birth this in me O God! I only want You my God! I want to know You. Hide me in Your Presence, let me not be seen O Lord. I surrender to You, I surrender to Your call. Nothing else matters in this life if I don’t have Your blessing, Your favor. Let me die, that I may live according to Your Spirit Lord. That is all I want. To be Your servant. I want be holy before You. Kadosh, Kadosh Lord. Make me holy Lord.
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